What a Delightful Way to Learn Spanish! – Puerto Rico
Take a break from whatever it is you do now, and go back to school. This is not a rare refrain. Most of us toy with the idea at least occasionally. Most people can further their careers by acquiring new skills, rather than by continuing in the same old ruts of their lives.
Puerto Rico is a great place for U.S. citizens to take this kind of sabbatical. The territory is part of the United States and the U.S. dollar is legal tender on these Caribbean islands. Puerto Rico has spent more on its facilities for higher education than many other comparable nations have cared to do. This can work to your advantage, because from a valuable new qualification, you get to learn Spanish on the side.
The demand for all kinds of language services in Spanish is large already, and is set to grow. Fluency in Spanish could be just the kind of boost which can ignite your career to a new high!
The University of Sacred Heart in Santurce, Puerto Rico, is a great place to earn a Bachelor’s Degree, and learn professional Spanish at the same time. The Institute offers a wide variety of courses and disciplines, from which everyone can make top choices. The Institution has an arrangement with the U.S. Department of Education for students to receive federal aid, which is an obvious plus if one qualifies for monetary support.
Santurce is a most happening part of San Juan. Replete with cultural life and artistic opportunities, a stint in this place can do wonders for your competencies and for your Spanish at the same time! Santurce has a pulsating night life, so it is not all work at The University of Sacred Heart! You can look forward to making new friends even as you soak in the Spanish milieu.
Puerto Rico is the only place in the region which gives equal status to both Spanish and English. What could be better to be equally proficient in both languages? Imagine how a degree from The University of Sacred Heart would look on your resume and the career advantages at your command, with proficiency in Spanish!
Plan a trip to San Juan; drop in on Santurce, and give your life Spanish twist to remember!